Parenting Capacity and Risk Assessment
Upcoming Dates
This 2 day training course aims to equip front line practitioners with the skills and knowledge to undertake comprehensive assessments of parenting capacity and risk in a range of contexts including child protection, pre-proceedings and assessments for Court.
Course description
The training is suitable for front line practitioners who are required to undertake assessments of parenting capacity and risk. It takes place over 3 days and guides participants through the process of a parenting assessment.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course participants will have been given the opportunity to:
- Re-cap the process of assessment and the features of a good quality assessment.
- Examine theoretical models underpinning a range of safeguarding assessments.
- Know what information to include in a chronology and how to use this information within the assessment process.
- Demonstrate skills in planning and undertaking interviews with parents to explore their own history.
- Begin to explore how to analyse this information and it’s significance for parenting capacity.
- Know how to assess capacity for change.
- Understand the key factors which contribute to a view regarding capacity for change.
- Consider why analytical writing is difficult to achieve.
- Identified the features of a high quality analysis.
- Explored some practical tools to help facilitate an analytical approach