Useful references:
Brandon et al (2008) Analysing Child Deaths and Serious Injury Through Abuse and Neglect: what can we learn? London: DCSF
Brandon et al (2012) New Learning from Serious Case Reviews: a two year report from 2009-2001 London: DofH
Fook, Jan (2012) Social Work. A Critical Approach to Practice. 2nd ed. London: Sage Publications
Knapman, J. and Morrison, T. Making the Most of Supervision in Health and Social Care (1998) Brighton: Pavilion Publishing
Knott, C., & Scragg, T. (eds.) (2010) Reflective Practice in Social Work. Exeter: Learning Matters
Morrison, T (2005) Staff supervision in Social Care. Making a real difference for staff and service users. 3rd edition, Brighton: Pavilion Publishing Ltd;
Munro, Eileen (1999) Common Errors of Reasoning in Child Protection Work Child Abuse & Neglect 23 (8) p. 745-758: HYPERLINK “” o “publisher” John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Munro Review of Child Protection by Professor Eileen Munro (2010&2011)
Ruch, G., Turney, D., Ward, A. (Eds) (2010) Relationship Based Social Work. Getting to the heart of practice. 2nd ed. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Wonnacott, Jane (2012) Mastering Social Work Supervision, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers